Dr. Treva Lindsey debates Black Feminism on HuffPost
Beyonce's new self-titled album has sparked International debate since she has boldly come out as feminist. On Tuesday, December 17th OSU'S Dr. Treva Lindsey along with journalist, author and…
"Who Needs Feminism?" The Annual YWCA's Woman to Woman Luncheon says "We all do!"
This year’s Woman to Woman Luncheon was a huge success! YWCA's mission, eliminating racism and empowering women, was the central theme behind this event. With more than 1000 women from diverse…
Call for Papers: Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute, July 6-11, 2014
Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer InstituteJuly 7-11, 2014Columbus, Ohio Thinking Transnational Feminisms is a collaborative five-day summer institute organized by and for feminist…WGSS Professor to co-edit Society and Space- Environment and Planning D
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Mary Thomas has been a review editor of the journal since 2007, and has been central in getting the review part of this open site up and…
WGSS Professor to co-edit philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism
philoSOPHIA is an international, peer-reviewed journal for scholarship that engages the rich traditions of feminist theory and continental philosophy, both broadly construed. The journal aims…
WGSS Ph.D. Student Publishes Article
Amanda Rossie's article, "Wrecked and Redeemed: Religio-Political Pedagogy and MTV's 16 and Pregnant," was recently published in an anthology titled, Girls' Sexualities and the Media (Mediated…
WGSS Professor Elected President of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists
Wendy Smooth, associate professor in the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and senior research fellow with Ohio State’s Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, has…