Professors Lynn Itagaki & Guisela Latorre Awarded by Office for Disability Services
April 10, 2014, at The Office of Student Life's Disability Services' annual recognition reception "Celebrating 40 Years of Access" awarded WGSS Professors Guisela Latorre and Lynn Itagaki as faculty who had made Ohio State a better place for students with disabilities, April 2014.
At the award ceremony, ODS stated that in one particular case, Professor Lynn Itagaki, (Assistant Professor of WGSS & English) met with the transcribers at ODS to discuss how best to support a student's needs prior to the class starting. She was very proactive with distribution of class materials and worked with us as a team to ensure this student’s success. She was particularly helpful in creating a system of access for videos that both the student and transcribers could use.
While Professor Guisela Latorre was recognized for her outstanding efforts to provide maximum accessibility in regards to captioning and transcription in her WGSST 4375, Women and Visual Culture, classroom. Specifically, Dr. Latorre ensured all media played during lecture was closed-captioned compatible; and if not, she took her own time to type up a transcript to present to the student before the video was shown; as well as instructing students giving presentations to ensure all videos included within their presentations must be closed-captioned. Dr. Latorre was approachable and open to working with ODS transcription staff as a true partner in achieving the goal of equal classroom accessibility for all of her students.