WGSS Committees

2024-2025 Departmental Committees

Advisory Committee

Joyce Chen, Graduate Studies
Treva Lindsey, Undergraduate Studies (fall) 
Jian Chen, Undergraduate Studies (spring)
LaVelle Ridley, Assistant Professor Representative (fall)
Bayan Abusneineh, Assistant Professor Representative (spring)

Graduate Studies Committee

Joyce Chen, Chair
Shannon Winnubst
Linda Mizejewski (admissions only)
Affiliated Faculty: Stephanie Power-Carter
Graduate Student Representative: Tamar Westphal
Staff Representative: Laurel Clarkson

Undergraduate Studies Committee

Treva Lindsey, Chair (fall)
Jian Chen, Chair (spring)
LaVelle Ridley
Sierra Austin-King
Bayan Abusneineh
Affiliated Faculty: Carmen Winant
Undergraduate Student Representative: Lou Cariello
Graduate Student Representative: Hannah Moore
Staff Representatives: Ali Alkhalifa, Jen Getson

Promotion and Tenure Committee

Linda Mizejewski, Chair
Guisela Latorre, Procedures Oversight Designee
Staff Representative: Susanna Bell

Speakers and Events Committee

Guisela Latorre, Chair
Graduate Student Representative: Tamar Westphal
Staff Representatives: Ali Alkhalifa (marketing), Susanna Bell (budget)

Grants and Awards Committee

Jennifer Suchland, Chair
Cynthia Burack
Staff Representative: Ali Alkhalifa (undergraduate), Laurel Clarkson (graduate)

FREE Center Advisory Board

Mary Thomas
Guisela Latorre
Affiliated Faculty: Alison Norris
Ex Officio: Mytheli Sreenivas
Staff Representative: Laura Hennigan