The department does not have funding available and thus does not have guaranteed summer employment (Mid-May – Mid-August) for all of our currently appointed graduate students. We have a limited number of summer teaching appointments available and advanced doctoral students are given preference. This is detailed in your offer letters and in orientation.
Concurrent Appointments
You cannot hold both a salaried (paid monthly) and hourly (paid biweekly) position simultaneously. Graduate Associates are considered salaried and Student Assistant titles are considered hourly. For hourly positions, there are maximum numbers of hours you may work while enrolled (28 enrolled/38 non-enrolled). For more information, please view the university's Student Employment Compensation webpage.
Summer Fee Authorizations and Student Fees
If you have a Graduate Associate Appointment/Fellowship for summer:
If you are teaching or on fellowship, you must be enrolled in the proper number of credit hours for your fee authorizations to post properly. If you are not on appointment but still wish to have your fee authorization cover your courses, you must also be enrolled in the minimum number of credit hours detailed below. Failure to be enrolled in the minimum number of required credit hours may result in late fees on your account. You are responsible for any fees incurred in this process.
Here are the minimum credit hour enrollment requirement breakdowns:
- Fellows: 6 credit hours
- GTAs: 4 credit hours
- ABD (post-candidacy doctoral students) GTAs: 3 credit hours
If you are not appointment over summer:
If you are not holding a summer GA position and are registered for summer credit hours, you will need to manually login to BuckeyeLink to pay any outstanding fees not covered by your tuition waiver since the automatic payroll deduction for these fees will not occur over summer. A reminder that if you held a 9-month GA position, your summer tuition will be covered as a benefit.
4-Week Session Enrollment Rules
Graduate students are not permitted to be enrolled in more than 3 credit hours per 4-week session (i.e., you may not be enrolled in two "Maymester" classes at the same time). However you may be enrolled in a 4-week session course and another overlapping course at the same time (i.e., you can be enrolled in a Maymester course and a 6-week session one course at the same time). For students who are meeting the 4 credit hour requirement to have their fee authorization kick in, this means you will need to enroll in at least some credit hours beyond 4-week session one.
Summer Employment Opportunities
Unfortunately there is no centralized repository of available positions geared toward graduate students on campus for summer and summer term Graduate Associateships are few and far between. Typically, these opportunities are circulated over email or are filled within departments.
However, here are some places you might look for summer positions beyond a GAship:
- Student job board on the SFA: offers on/off campus job opportunities
- Regular OSU job board: offers seasonal and/or part-time work
- OSU Medical center job board
- Office of Student Life: hires summer event and conference assistants
- University Libraries student job board
- Handshake: OSU's networking site, has job postings as well
International Students are able to hold other employment during the summer at on-campus locations based on the F-1 visa employment restrictions. Please reference Office of International Affair's website for more information.