Barbara and Si Sokol Scholarship in Sexuality Studies

The Barabra & Si Sokol Scholarship in Sexuality Studies Award

Barbara and Si Sokol were longtime supporters of gender and sexual minorities in the Columbus Community. Private donors generously created this undergraduate scholarship to honor the Sokols and support students dedicated to sexuality studies. Priority is given to students enrolled in the LGBTQ+ Minor and who are members of University organizations that are open to all and advance the educational and professional needs of LGBTQ students. 

For the 2024-2025 application cycle, one applicant will be awarded $1,500.

The Barabra & Si Sokol Scholarship in Sexuality Studies Award


Undergraduate students in LGBTQ+ Studies with a record of excellence in scholarship and a commitment to LGBTQ+ Studies.


  • Essay (500-1000 words) that explains your interest in LGBTQ+ Studies, what impact LGBTQ+ studies has made on you, and how your studies can make positive change.
  • Provide an academic reference letter and a pdf file of your advising report from Buckeyelink.
  • DEADLINE: submit your application to by March 14th, 2025.