Graduate students are encouraged to begin planning their careers early in the program. There are multiple resources on campus to help students plan for the next phase of their career. Below is an overview of where to find and how to utilize these resources. If you have any questions or would like additional assistance with career planning and development, contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Laurel Clarkson.
Campus & General Resources
Office of Student Life: Career Counseling and Support Services – Provides career counseling, job/internship postings, advice on the academic job market, research on companies, and relocation resources for graduate and professional students.
The Bill and Susan Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management – Provides assistance with career advising, resumes and cover letters, career fairs, interviewing, and offers a job posting board specifically for alumni.
Versatile PhD – An online community for PhD students that offers advice and support for careers inside and outside of academia. OSU offers a subscription for students to access both the free and premium content on the site.
OUAB Grad/Prof – The Ohio Union Actives Board, Graduate and Professional student committee hosts a variety of professional growth programs, such as a job search series, and etiquette dinner, and development workshops, throughout the academic year.
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) – The PFF Program offers Ohio State graduate students the opportunity to experience firsthand the unique challenges and rewards of an academic career at a smaller college or university. Students who are one to two years away from completing their Ph.D. are eligible to apply.
Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning – UITL offers multiple professional development opportunities and workshops throughout the academic year for those interested in instruction and curriculum development.
Chronicle of Higher Education – The Chronicle hosts a large job search site named Vitae, which posts careers inside and outside of academia.
The Graduate School – Offers information on additional on-campus resources for career development.
Department & Program Specific Resources
Professional Development Workshops – Hosted by the WGSS graduate student group Intersections and sponsored by the department, there are multiple workshops held throughout the academic year on topics ranging from online teaching training to preparing for conferences. Topics and dates are announced via the WGSS graduate student listserv.
The National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) – The NWSA hosts an annual conference and also offers members access to job postings related to WGSS.
Graduate Studies Committee – Faculty members on the WGSS Graduate Studies Committee are available to review application letters and other materials sent in support of applications to academic positions. Contact the Graduate Studies Chair or the Graduate Program Coordinator for further assistance.
Consider all career possibilities – Speak with your advisor honestly about what you’d like to do upon the completion of your degree. Knowing what you might like to do can inspire additional opportunities.
Pursue a graduate minor, graduate interdisciplinary specialization, or additional degree – Most coursework plans have room to finish a grad minor, GIS or in some cases dual degree. The more versatile you are, the more prospects you will have. Speak with the Academic Program Coordinator to learn more about how to fit one of these options into your program plan.
Enroll in Graduate Courses Outside of WGSS – Graduate courses outside of WGSS can help you identify and develop a diverse skillset. Be sure to talk to your advisor before accruing too many extra-departmental hours.
Attend workshops and conferences – Many opportunities at OSU are no or low cost events, which present opportunities to network and develop professional skills for every career path.
Attend WGSS-sponsored events – As a WGSS graduate student, you are expected to attend all WGSS-sponsored events.
Use your resources – Take advantage of the resources early and often to network and build connections with people in and outside of academia. Talk to WGSS alumni and current graduate students who are pursuing nonacademic careers to find out how they arranged their programs to suit their needs.
Understand your skill set – The private sector is in need of people who have the high-level critical reading and writing skills. Learning how to market your skill set for both academic and non-academic jobs will serve you well.