Understanding WGSS Elective Courses
WGSS electives are generally listed as “WGSST 8800.0X – Topics in Feminist Studies” (see below) with a subtitle describing the course for that semester. For example, when registering for courses in Buckeyelink a student might see a course listed for Autumn semester as “WGSST 8800.01 – Topics in Feminist Studies.” To learn more about the course, the student can navigate into the offering and view the “Topic” and “Notes” sections to read the full course title and course description. The department website will also articulate the seminar topics in detail the semester prior to the offering. Each offering of WGSST 8800.0X is repeatable up to 15 credit hours.
Additional WGSS Graduate Course Information
Detailed information on the WGSS graduate courses can be found below and from the main menu:
- For a gallery view featuring course advertisements of all WGSS courses, visit Graduate Course Catalogue - Gallery View
- For a table view featuring in depth and up to date data on all WGSS courses, visit Graduate Course Catalogue - Table View
- For courses offered in the current, upcoming, and most recent semesters, visit Graduate Course Offerings
- For a list of graduate courses related to, but not offered by or in WGSS, visit Graduate Courses Relating to WGSS
- For guidance on how to enroll in WGSS graduate courses, visit Enrolling in WGSS Graduate Courses
- For information on how to access copies of previous WGSS syllabi, visit Syllabi
For questions about the graduate curriculum, please contact Ali Alkhalifa.