Please navigate below to discover which Graduate Seminars have been, will be, and currently are offered by the Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department
Current Offerings
Current Offerings | Spring 2025

WGSST 7701 - Feminist Inquiry II
Dr. Linda Mizejewski
In person, Tuesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 28055

WGSST 7702 - Feminist Methods
Dr. Jennifer Suchland
In person, Mondays, 2:15-5:00 pm
Class number 35182

WGSST 8800.02 - Feminist Legal Studies
Dr. Lyn Tjon Soei Len
In person, Wednesdays, 2:15-5:00 pm
This seminar explores feminist interventions in law and examines how law shapes, enforces, and naturalizes power dynamics. Drawing on diverse feminisms (including critical race feminism, feminist abolition) the course grapples with the law’s relation to feminist pursuits of a more just world. We explore legalism as a necessary tool for marginalized people, alongside law as a tool of oppression against which radical feminist practices seek transformation and abolition. This seminar is ideal for those interested in gender studies, legal studies, and the relation of law to feminist movements.

WGSST 8800.04 - Trans & Queer Theories
Dr. Jian Chen
In person, Thursdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
This seminar reflects on the many contributions and directions of trans and queer studies at the university from the late twentieth century to the first quarter of the twenty-first century. What are the expansive and nonlinear “origins” of queer studies and trans studies and the concerns, subjects, and methodologies that activated their establishment through university disciplines? We still start with some of the more recognized inaugural moments for queer and trans studies, including queer literary and cultural theories in the 1980s and 1990s and transgender/transsexual “autotheory” in the 1990s, while broadening our understanding of the lineages of feminist, racial, indigenous, and ethnic critique, cultural work, and political activism that shape queer and trans studies from their earliest moments onward. We will discuss the continued development and transformation of trans and queer studies to the present through a capacious intersectional lens in dynamic relationship to shifting social conditions and identities.
Upcoming Courses
Upcoming Offerings | Autumn 2025

WGSST 7700 - Feminist Inquiry I
Dr. Treva Lindsey
In person, Tuesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm

WGSST 7702 - Feminist Pedagogy
Dr. Guisela Latorre
In person, Mondays, 2:15-5:00 pm

WGSST 8800.02 - Feminist Perspectives on the End of the World
Professor Dionne Lee
In person, Thursdays, 11:15-2:00 pm
This course will engage with themes such as the anthropocene, plantationocene, species mortality, and reconciling our relationship to the environment as we move towards the potential of a posthuman world. How can our actions today be of care for the planet, and other living beings, when we are gone?
For the most accurate listings, including modes of instruction please visit BuckeyeLink or
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Former Offerings
Former Offerings | Spring 2024

WGSST 7701 - Feminist Inquiry II
Dr. Linda Mizejewski
In person, Thursdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Dulles Hall 239

WGSST 7760 - Feminist Inquiry: Methods
Dr. Jian Neo Chen
In person, Wednesdays, 2:15-5:00 pm
Dulles Hall 239

WGSST 8800.02 - Black Feminisms in Theory & Praxis
Dr. Ashley Smith-Purviance
In person, Tuesdays, 11:15 am- 2:00 pm
Dulles Hall 239
This seminar examines various topics centering Black Feminism such as gender and (un)gendering, sexuality and sexual politics, examinations of the political economy and “the personal is political,” while interrogating Black Feminism’s limitations. Student will also gain knowledge of Black feminist contributions to feminist inquiry, pedagogy, and research methods, that are also rooted in the practice of community, movement building, activism, and organizing.
For the most accurate listings, including modes of instruction please visit BuckeyeLink or
For more information about our courses, please visit our main course page at
Former Offerings | Autumn 2023

WGSST 7700 - Feminist Inquiry I
Dr. Treva Lindsey
In person, Tuesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm

WGSST 7702 - Feminist Pedagogy
Dr. Jessica Delgado
In person, Wednesdays, 11:15 am-2:00 pm

WGSST 8800.01 - Transnational Perspectives on Reproductive Health, Technologies, and Justice
Dr. Mytheli Sreenivas
In person, Thursdays, 11:15 am- 2:00 pm
This course investigates the claim that reproductive justice is necessarily a transnational practice by examining health inequalities, new reproductive technologies, and cross-border feminist organizing. Considering both past and present, we will read scholarship that interrogates and re-imagines the body, sexuality, fertility, and health within broader socio-political contexts. What might a transnational lens offer to our understanding of reproduction, and why might this matter in our current moment?
For the most accurate listings, including modes of instruction please visit BuckeyeLink or
For more information about our courses, please visit our main course page at
Former Offerings | Spring 2023

WGSST 7701 - Feminist Inquiry II
Dr. Jenny Suchland
In person, Mondays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 28055

WGSST 7702 - Feminist Pedagogy
Dr. Jessica Delgado
In person, Tuesdays, 2:15-5:00 pm
Class number 35182

WGSST 8800.02 - Feminist Perspectives on Latinx Art & Pop Culture
Dr. Guisela Latorre
In person, Thursdays, 2:00-5:00 pm
Class number 29932
Familiarize yourself with foundational theories on nation, gender, postcolonialism, visual culture, and more through an examination of the perilous history of gender, nation and popular culture in Latin American art, film, and mass media.

WGSST 8800.03 - Racial Capitalism
Dr. Jian Chen
In person, Fridays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 35184
This seminar explores racial theories and sensuous understandings of capitalism which unsettle the objective modernism of Western European and Euro-American capitalism—and also dominant forms of Marxist critique. Engaging with the work of Cedric Robinson, Ruthie Gilmore, Joanne Barker, Lisa Marie Cacho, Jodi Melamed, and Iyko Day, along with aspects of visual culture, literature, and social action, the course seeks to build feminist, queer, and trans* methodologies and practices attuned to the worldly, fleshy, aesthetic, technological, and/or scientific dimensions of capital. Seminar requirements include an in-class presentation, mid-semester bibliography, and final exploratory research paper or creative piece.
For the most accurate listings, including modes of instruction please visit BuckeyeLink or
For more information about our courses, please visit our main course page at
Offerings | Autumn Semester 2022
WGSST 7700 - Feminist Inquiry I
Dr. Shannon Winnubst
In person, Thursdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 21818
WGSST 7760 - Feminist Methods
Dr. Lyn Tjon Soei Len
In person, Tuesdays, 2:15-5:00 pm
Class number 35431

WGSST 8800.01 - Feminist Television Studies
Dr. Linda Mizejewski
In person, Wednesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 26247
Amy Villarejo has famously asked media scholars to consider “what it is possible to think on television, not just about television, for we are ‘live’ as television is, we live life as and through television.” This seminar takes up these questions in relation to race, queerness, and disabilities, with readings by Villarejo, Kristen J. Warner, Beretta E. Smith-Shomade, Rebecca Wanzo, Banjamin M. Han, and others. Our topics will include digital technologies, identity and desire, viewing practices, queer temporalities, consumption, “colorblind” casting, postfeminism, postracism, and fandom.
Offerings | Spring Semester 2022
WGSST 7701 - Feminist Inquiry II
Dr. Jenny Suchland
In person, Wednesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 22368
WGSST 7790 - Research & Writing Workshop
Dr. Jenny Suchland
In person, Thursdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 22369

WGSST 8800.02 - Feminist Perspectives on Latinx Art & Popular Culture
Dr. Guisela Latorre
In person, Tuesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 34478
Familiarize yourself with foundational theories on nation, gender, postcolonialism, visual culture, and more through an examination of the perilous history of gender, nation and popular culture in Latinx art, film, and mass media.
Offerings | Autumn Semester 2021
For the most accurate listings, including modes of instruction please visit BuckeyeLink or
WGSST 7700 - Feminist Inquiry I
Dr. Shannon Winnubst
Thursdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm
Class number 18093
WGSST 7702- Feminist Pedagogy
Dr. Guisela Latorre
Wednesdays, 2:15-5:00pm
Class number 18094
WGSST 8800.01 - Critical Hip Hop Studies
Dr. Treva Lindsey
Tuesdays, 2:15-5:00pm
Class number 22987
This graduate seminar will explore the gender, racial, class, and sexual politics of hip hop. This course will offer an in-depth exploration of the historical, political, social, economic, and cultural contexts and implications of the representational politics espoused within and configured through hip hop culture.
Offerings | Autumn 2024

WGSST 7700 - Feminist Inquiry I
Dr. Treva Lindsey
In person, Tuesdays, 11:15am - 2:00pm

WGSST 7702 - Feminist Pedagogy
Dr. Jessica Delgado
In person, Wednesdays, 11:15 am-2:00 pm

WGSST 8800.01 - Reading Whiteness
Dr. Shannon Winnubst
In person, Thursdays, 11:15 am- 2:00 pm
This course is doubly framed. First, taking a cue from bell hooks, it reads Whiteness through the Black imagination. Second, following the Afropessimist argument, it also confronts Whiteness as ontological, not only as historical, sociological or representational. We will immerse ourselves in a range of texts from Black feminist, queer, and Afropessimist scholars to develop a reading practice that moves obliquely, while also fully encountering the critiques and portraits of White culture, history, and subjectivities. The course will then open the space to cultivate this reading practice across a range of possible media, with the aim of broadening the reading of Whiteness beyond the historical, sociological, and representational registers of extant scholarship.
For the most accurate listings, including modes of instruction please visit BuckeyeLink or
For more information about our courses, please visit our main course page at