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Student Travel

Travel Grants and Requirements

All WGSS Graduate Students may apply for the domestic and travel grants through the department. Please read through those guidelines and application process

Financial Aid

Federal regulations require that all scholarships and financial resources, excluding compensation, received by a student be included as part of their financial aid package. In order to comply with federal regulations and university procedures and to simplify the process for everyone, the Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies will process student awards through the Office of Student Financial Aid (SFA). The award will be posted to your Statement of Account in BuckeyeLink and refunded within three business days when posted. 

Direct Deposit

Please note students must setup student direct deposit in order to receive financial aid refunds electronically, otherwise a paper check will be mailed to the student’s home address listed in BuckeyeLink. Direct deposit can be setup through BuckeyeLink, which is different from employee payroll direct deposit.

International Travel Registration and Insurance Enrollment

Ohio State students using university scholarship or grant funding for individual travel to international locations are required to register their travel. Travel Registration includes completion of emergency response information, access to pre-departure health and safety modules and enrollment in the supplemental international insurance. The insurance includes specific coverage for medical care, medical evacuation, repatriation, and political security and natural disaster evacuation. There is a modest daily rate for the insurance enrollment that students should calculate into budget proposals for funding. Students participating in education abroad programming coordinated through OIA are already registered in the system and automatically enrolled in the supplemental international insurance. 

Travel to Risk Designated Locations

University supported travel to risk designated locations requires review and may entail restrictions or stipulations.

Undergraduate students

Ohio State scholarship or grant funding for travel to risk designated countries is restricted to travel on approved education abroad programs listed in the Office of International Affairs (OIA) education abroad search engine or other university managed travel approved by the International Travel Policy Committee (ITPC). Ohio State scholarship or grant funding for individual travel to countries with a specific risk designated region(s) requires review of the proposed itinerary relevant to the excluded regions. Individual undergraduate travel to restricted region(s) is not eligible for funding.

Graduate Students

Ohio State scholarship and grant awards for individual travel to risk designated countries requires the submission of a petition and ITPC approval.  

Ohio State scholarship or grant funding for individual travel to countries with a specific risk designated region(s) requires review of the proposed itinerary relevant to the excluded regions. Individual travel to restricted region(s) requires the submission of a petition and ITPC approval.

The petition process factors academic rationale and an individual safety proposal into consideration. Petitions should be submitted at least 60-days in advance of travel and prior to utilization of university funding.     

For further information on the ITPC risk designated policy or the petition process, please contact international risk management at IRM@osu.edu.