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Research and Connection Cluster Funding 

The FREE Center invites requests for the second round of funding for Research and Connection Clusters for the fall 2024 semester. Clusters will bring together scholars across campus around shared areas of interest related to feminist research, education, and engagement, broadly defined.

Clusters will receive up to $500 for use during fall semester. Funds can be used for securing meeting space and refreshments; purchasing books or other supplies; workshop costs; consulting; hosting community partners; tickets to arts and/or community events; hosting works-in-progress discussions; or other expenses as needed. For requests under $500, no budget justification is needed. For requests over $500 (and up to $1,000), please submit a budget justification.

The FREE Center encourages previously funded clusters who would like to continue the work they started in spring 2024 to re-apply. Clusters who seek to establish and/or deepen collaborations with community partners are highly encouraged to apply.   

To apply, please complete the Qualtrics form. Requests are due by Sept. 6, 2024. Please send any questions to free@osu.edu.

To learn more about the 12 clusters that were funded for the spring 2024 semester, visit the FREE Center Research page

Graduate Small Grants for Feminist Scholarship

The FREE Center awarded funding to 18 graduate students in April 2024. 

Graduate Small Grants for Feminist Scholarship is a new funding opportunity for Ohio State graduate students engaged in feminist research and/or creative practice. The FREE Center program awards grants of up to $500 to currently enrolled master’s and doctoral students. Students from all departments across campus are welcome to apply. Funds may be used to conduct research or develop creative projects; travel for research presentations, performances, or exhibitions; provide payment to human subjects; and purchase research/creative practice-related materials and supplies.

Information about future funding for graduate students will be shared on this page.