"Who Needs Feminism?" The Annual YWCA's Woman to Woman Luncheon says "We all do!"

November 13, 2013

"Who Needs Feminism?" The Annual YWCA's Woman to Woman Luncheon says "We all do!"

This year’s Woman to Woman Luncheon was a huge success! YWCA's mission, eliminating racism and empowering women, was the central theme behind this event. With more than 1000 women from diverse backrounds in attendance, YWCA raised more than $270,000 to benefit programs and services in Columbus, Ohio. 

Photo of Sierra Austin, WGSS PhD student, speaks at YWCA's Annual Woman to Woman Luncheon.

Sierra Austin (below), WGSS PhD student, speaks about how feminism positively impacts lives and why everyone needs it.