Elizabeth D. Gee Grant Application

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IRB Human Subjects Approval
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A proposal no longer than 150 words appropriate for release to the public.

For the application, you will need to include:

  • a description and the status of your research (500 words)
  • a current CV
  • a brief budget rationale

Awards are made based on merit, including timely progress towards candidacy or completion of degree, academic record, evidence of professional development (such as conference presentations and published scholarship), and quality of the proposed research. 

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Max is $7,000 per student. 

Please provide brief description regarding budget.

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Additional Funding Sources

Please list alternative sources for funds to which you have applied or intend to apply. Students are encouraged to also apply for funding from other sources.

Note: If you receive funding from another source following submission of this application, you will need to advise us as your need for WGSS Studies funding may change accordingly.

List all sources. For ex: Council for Graduate students grant, OIA...
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