WGSS Administrative Manager Lynaya Elliott Wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award

April 13, 2017

WGSS Administrative Manager Lynaya Elliott Wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award


Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Administrative Manager, Lynaya Elliott was recognized on Wednesday, April 12th for winning the Arts and Sciences Outstanding Staff Award.

The ASC Outstanding Staff Award recognizes staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences who have demonstrated sustained excellence in overall job performance and have improved or enhanced work life and services of faculty, staff, students, and/or the university.  Special consideration are given to staff who have enhanced the visibility of the College of Arts and Sciences through interdisciplinary connections and/or community service.

Lynaya was recognized for her proficiency and excellence in her role as a supportive HR manager to all students, factuly, and staff in addition to being a consistently organized fiscal officer for the department. The College also recognized her extra curricular efforts in heading up the Community of Appalachian Student Leaders (CASL) group on campus which provides mentoriship support to students from Appalachian regions in the country. Lynaya provides service to the department that is consistently above and beyond in all regards and we are so proud of the positive impact she has had on the deparmtent.