Rossie and Swenson Named 2017 Mellon/ACLS Fellows

June 13, 2017

Rossie and Swenson Named 2017 Mellon/ACLS Fellows

Swenson and Rossie

We are happy to announce that WGSS was recently awarded two of twenty fellowships for the 2017 Mellon/ACLS Competition.

Dr. Amanda Rossie received her Ph.D. from WGSS at Ohio State in 2014. She has been appointed as Policy Analyst with National Women's Law Center in Washington, D.C., which works to remove barriers based on gender, open opportunities for women and girls, and help women and their families lead economically secure, healthy, and fulfilled lives. The Policy Analyst will work with NWLC’s Workplace Justice and Income Security & Education teams on cross-cutting projects that examine the structure of work in the US and how it impacts the economic security of women and families. Read more...

Dr. Haley Swenson received her Ph.D. from WGSS at Ohio State in 2016. She has been appointed as Editor with New America in Washington, D.C. New America is committed to renewing American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age. We generate big ideas, bridge the gap between technology and policy, and curate broad public conversation. The Editor will join the Better Life Lab team at New America and be responsible for a new Better Life Lab media partnership, resulting in a Better Life Lab “channel.” The Better Life Lab channel will be a hub of fresh and compelling ideas about the future of work, gender equity, and social policy for 21st century families—how they are interconnected and how they engage (and are engaged by) popular culture and the lived reality of readers’ everyday lives. Read more...

Now in its seventh year, the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program places recent humanities PhDs in staff positions at partnering agencies in government and the non-profit sector for two-year appointments. These appointments provide career development opportunities in administration, management, and public service and vary from year to year depending on participating agencies. The Public Fellows program demonstrates that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. The generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation makes this program possible. Read more about the Public Fellows program.