Professor Guisela Latorre Featured on Ohio Habla Podcast
WGSS professor Guisela Latorre was recently featured on Ohio Habla: 100% Latin@ Talk, a podcast about Latinx heritage and language in Ohio. The podcast, born out from an oral history project about Latin@s in Ohio, wishes to amplify the voices and experiences of Latin@s in Ohio. A number of their interviews cover topics such as health, language, employment, and education in Spanish, English, and Spanglish.
In the latest podcast, Professor Latorre spoke with prominent Latina leaders from OSU and the Columbus community during the session, including Dr. Elena Foulis of the Spanish and Portuguese department, Assistant Provost for Diversity and Inclusion Yolanda Zepeda, and City Year Vice President of National Events Lourdes Barroso de Padilla. Together they discussed the #MeToo movement created by Tarana Burke that has taken force in the last year, as well as the accompanying #TimesUp movement, which demands addressing sexual harassment, sexual assault, and policies in the workplace.
You can listen to their discussion in English on
*Note: “Latin@,” like Latinx, is a gender-neutral term used to avoid gender-specific language/assumptions, such as “Latino” and “Latina.”