FREE Center builds feminist community during inaugural year

It’s been a busy first year for the Ohio State Center for Feminist Research, Education and Engagement (FREE Center).
From launching Research and Connection Clusters to hosting community panels and events, the FREE Center has worked to build feminist community on campus and throughout Columbus.
The FREE Center held its “Collaborative Dream Session” kickoff event in November, with more than 35 feminist scholars gathering to mark the launch of the center and collectively envision how the center could best serve the campus and greater Columbus communities.
Feedback from the launch event spurred the organization of Research and Connection Clusters in the spring. The FREE Center awarded funding to 12 clusters to help support a variety of activities, such as the purchase of books and supplies, catered meetings, workshops, and cultural and community events.
Additionally, the FREE Center introduced a new writing group — FREE Writes — for feminist scholars across campus. The Faculty Section and Graduate Student Section held regular writing sessions throughout the spring semester, with participants representing a wide range of departments and disciplines.
In March, the FREE Center partnered with University Libraries for the exhibition closing event of Abject Object: Feminism, Art & the Academy. FREE Center and University Libraries representatives were joined by artists Annelise Duque, Brianna Gluszak, Carmen Winant, Dionne Lee, Gina Osterloh, and Paloma Martinez-Cruz for a conversation about the potential of art as a site of feminist discourse and exploration.
In April, the FREE Center held its inaugural community event, “WTF (What the Feminist) is Happening in Ohio Politics?! Feminists Engage with Electoral Politics, Policy and Freedom.” The panel discussion, moderated by Senior Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Professor Dr. Wendy Smooth, included four expert panelists: Maria Bruno, Equality Ohio; Jessie Hill, Case Western Reserve University; Barbara Palmer, Baldwin Wallace University; and Emily Quick Schriver, The Matriots.
To conclude the academic year, the FREE Center awarded small grants to 18 graduate students engaged in feminist research and/or creative practice. The funds will support various activities, from conference presentations to archival work.
The FREE Center will remain active this summer. In May, the center will host the inaugural Summer Writing Retreat for Graduate Students, co-host a community conversation at the Columbus Museum of Art, and co-sponsor an art exhibition at the Ohio State Urban Arts Space.
To learn more about the FREE Center and upcoming events, visit
Campus and community partners interested in working with the FREE Center are invited to contact center staff at