Call for Papers: Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute, July 6-11, 2014

October 31, 2013

Call for Papers: Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute, July 6-11, 2014

Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute

July 7-11, 2014

Columbus, Ohio

Thinking Transnational Feminisms is a collaborative five-day summer institute organized by and for feminist scholars who are engaging the transnational as a process, a critique, a paradigm, and/or a characteristic of social movement in their scholarship to make sense of these multiple, sometimes contradictory, approaches and concepts.  We invite graduate students, emerging, and established scholars to join us in exploring and sharpening our understanding of where the field of “transnational feminisms” is and where it is going by sharing and critiquing each others’ work in progress.

Important Deadlines

12/15/13  Application Due
1/31/14    Acceptances will be announced.