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Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Fund (306738)

This fund is used to support a variety of departmental initiatives such as speakers, technical support, study abroad and others.

WGSS funds a variety of events such as group discussions with our graduate and undergraduate communities, public lectures, and professional development activities. For the past three years, with support from the College of Arts & Sciences, Visiting Distinguished Professor, bell hooks, has graced the department with her presence, adding to and facilitating conversations about race, sexuality, and love.   

FemUNITY, the WGSS Undergraduate Association, continues to build a strong community of dedicated, passionate majors and minors. For the past two years, the group has organized a successful film series, engaging both graduate and undergraduate students. These film events end with critical discussions focused on important and relevant themes like negotiating adolescent sexuality, and motherhood, family, and the politics of adoption.   

WGSS welcomes and supports new graduate student initiatives and programs. Led by WGSS Ph.D. candidates, Research Roundtables continue to help cultivate a culture of sharing and engagement amongst faculty and students.  

Elizabeth D. Gee Endowed Fund for Research on Women (602449)

This fund supports the research of advanced Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies doctoral students.  It is named in honor of Elizabeth D. Gee in recognition of her scholarship in the fields of education and feminist ethics and in appreciation of her commitment to raising funds for Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies research.

Most recently, this fund supported the dissertation field research of WGSS Ph.D. candidate, Ally Day. Her award provided books and refreshments for weekly group discussions for women living with HIV. Ally continues to organize a larger community support group, through the AIDS Resource Center, for women living with HIV in the Columbus, Ohio community.

WGSS Ph.D. student, Amanda Rossie, received the department’s international travel award which covered her expenses to attend a conference entitled Girls and Digital Culture at King's College in London. Information and resources from the conference supported her research focus on connections between neoliberalism and representation. Amanda shared that “this money allowed me to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime academic conversation with people who have similar interests from all over the world. I was able to meet scholars whose work I have admired for a long time, and the intimacy of the conference allowed me to have substantial conversations with them in ways that a larger U.S. conference setting might not allow.”

Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Professional Development Fund (627690)

For activities that contribute to the professional development of core faculty and graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies.

WGSS Ph.D. candidate, Kimberly McKee, received an award to cover expenses for a trip to Scripps College to attend the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture Conference where she participated in several capacities; panel chair for “Adoption and Digital Media”, presenter of "Asserting Koreanness: Performing Identity Online”, and panelist on a roundtable titled "The Positionality of Adoptee Scholars in Adoption Research".

In Spring 2012, Maria Celleri received a WGSS Travel Grant to attend the Gender Matters Conference at Governor's University and presented a paper titled "Latin American Identity Categories: Re-Imagining Transgender". Maria also received funds to attend the National Women’s Studies Association Conference in Oakland, California and presented a paper titled "Indigenous Education in Ecuador: Decolonizing Knowledge and Reformulating Citizenship".