"The New American Electorate Beyond the Voting Booth: Building an Inclusive Democracy" is a two-day symposium that will foster an interdisciplinary dialogue on the growing diversity of the American electorate, and what is necessary to protect and extend democratic inclusion for women, men of color, millennials and new immigrants, those underrepresented groups comprising the new American electorate.
The event will bring together scholars and practitioners from across the country to focus on how the new American electorate sustains and deepens its civic engagement with particular attention to moving these critical actors from sustained voters to candidates for elective office. This timely symposium offers an opportunity to build and enhance scholarship on democratic citizenship, civic engagement, democratic inclusion, and the overall health of our democracy.
Day 1, on Thursday, November 30th, a public forum will be held in Saxbe Auditorium (130 Drinko Hall), featuring a highly interactive, moderated discussion with several invited speakers. The speakers will discuss the unique features of the new American electorate, including tracing the historical developments which paved the way for these voters to play such pivotal roles in recent presidential elections and recent attempts to curtail the expanding electorate. The forum will be followed by a book signing.
Day 2, on Friday, December 1st in 120 Mershon Center, will feature three panels of invited scholars and OSU researchers, who will each focus on one of the following themes:
- Mobilizing in the Interim (focusing on the critical challenges of sustaining civic engagement among new or low propensity voters),
- Moving from Voters to Candidates (examining the long term strategies needed to move habitual voters into the political leadership pipeline as candidates, political strategists, and community members), and
- Lessons from the Field (engaging with specialists in the field who will share existing best practices for moving beyond simply mobilizing new voters to building sustained civic participation).
Please visit the Event Website to learn more and to register.
*Free event, registration required.
**Breakfast and lunch will be provided for registrants on Friday.