Dr. Karen Ho is a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota. Ho contributed to the involvement of anthropological research in Wall Street culture and neoliberalism. She is a feminist political economist who specializes in cultural studies of finance capital.
Faculty and Graduate Seminar
Friday, September 18th
386 University Hall | AAAS Conference Room
Please RSVP to Tess Pugsley (pugsley.8) to reserve a seat and for accesss to the seminar reading.
Public Lecture, "Rethinking Wall Street Rationalities"
This talk is a critical examination of the key assumptions undergirding financial accumulation. In particular, Dr. Ho traces and analyzes how the very concepts of "risk," "reward," and "return" have been utilized to fundamentally transform the very nature and purpose of socio-economic organization in American culture today. She will focus on sites such as corporations and investment funds to understand the processes of financialization and the production of socio-economic inequalities.
Friday, September 18th
155 Jennings Hall