Dr. Debanuj DasGupta (WGSS Ph.D., 2016) is Assistant Professor of Geography and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Connecticut. His research and teaching focuses on racialized regulation of space, immigration detention, queer migrations, sustainable development, and the global governance of migration, sexuality, and HIV. A social justice activist in his own right, Dr. DasGupta is the co-editor of Friendship As Social Justice Activism: Critical Solidarities in Global Perspective, and Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities and Subjectivities.
Join Dr. DasGupta for his graduate seminar on Monday, February 24th at 10am in 311 Denney Hall, where students will discuss several articles relating to the topic of "queering India." Lunch will be provided following the seminar. Please RSVP to Dr. Pranav Jani at jani.4@osu.edu by noon on Thursday, February 20th for lunch and to receive the articles for the seminar.
Dr. DasGupta will also be giving a public lecture, titled "Rights, Religiosities and Trans/gender Subjectivities in South Asia," on Friday, February 21st. Visit the lecture event page for more information and the talk abstract.
This event is hosted by The South Asian Studies Initiative Working Group (Humanities Institute), and co-sponsored by The Office of Diversity and Inclusion and The Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies.