Carol J. Adams is a feminist-vegan advocate, activist, and independent scholar and the author of numerous books including her pathbreaking The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory, now in a Bloomsbury Revelations edition celebrating its 25th anniversary. She is the co-editor of several important anthologies, including most recently Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth (with Lori Gruen). Her writings are the subject of two recent anthologies, Defiant Daughters: 21 Women of Art, Activism, Animals, and The Sexual Politics of Meat and The Art of the Animal: 14 Women Artists Explore The Sexual Politics of Meat, in which a new generation of feminists, artists, and activists respond to Adams' groundbreaking work. Her most recent book is The Carol J. Adams Reader. Please visit www.caroljadams.com for more information on her.
Public Lecture: Tuesday, October 4 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 100 Stillman Hall
“The Sexual Politics of Meat Slide Show”
The Sexual Politics of Meat Slide Show is an evolving 1 hour dynamic and challenging presentation that draws upon images of women and animals in contemporary popular culture to discuss oppressive attitudes. It develops and expands ideas found in The Sexual Politics of Meat and The Pornography of Meat. It introduces the concept of the absent referent through autobiography and then systematically applies an analysis of how it functions to explain the animalizing of women in contemporary cultural images and the sexualizing of animals used for food. The Slide Show provides an ecofeminist analysis of the interconnected oppressions of sexism, racism, and speciesism by exploring the way popular culture draws on dominant Western philosophical viewpoints regarding race, gender, and species. It identifies how meat has been a valued masculine-identified protein source and the ways that assumptions about meat eating reinforce a gender binary
Seminar: Tuesday, October 4 | 12:45-2:05 pm | 230 Enarson
With Professor Tobias Linne's WGSS 5620 Critical Animal Studies Course